Shower door wipes make sure that while you are taking a shower, your floor is not getting one as well. We all love a clean floor, but no one wants to have to clean up every time they take a shower. Installing one of these wipes is a simple and effective way to keep the water where it should be. Shower door wipes and seals are necessary if you do not want some extensive water damage to your bathroom. Mold, mildew, rotting wood and other problems can occur when water is continually reintroduced to the floor. No one wants to have to mop up a mess each and every time that you take a shower. But not just a hazard to the construction of the bathroom, a wet floor is a safety hazard. Three – fifths of accidents that occur in the home happen in the bathroom. Over three – quarters of deaths caused by slip and falls occur to those over the age of 65. Keeping yourself and your family safe is your number one priority and such a simple safety measure is a no brainer. Installing a new shower door wipe will protect your home and your family. The professionals at Shower Door City are well aware of the dangers that can be caused and will gladly protect you and your family with this simple device. Call us today to make sure that you are getting everything you need to guard against the unwanted.