Shower enclosures are a better option than shower curtains for many reasons. They contain the water from a shower so that there are no leaks leading to many problems such as mold growth and damage to your home. Shower curtains leave gaps that water can leak through. When water leaks into the bathroom, over time significant water damage can occur. Water damage can escalate and stachybotrys can occur. This is a horribly toxic mold that causes skin rashes, allergies and even asthma. It can even cause lung damage and damage to the nervous system. In the most severe cases of exposure, even death can result. If a bathroom is on the second story of a house, then water damage can cause wood rot compromising the structure of your home. This can cause soft spots on the floor. You could fall right through your floor injuring yourself if not addressed. The bathroom is where three fifths of all accidents occur already. Replacing the curtain for an enclosure will significantly decrease the probability that this will occur. Shower Door City is an expert at shower enclosures. Call us today to find out how simple and helpful an upgrade such as this can be when you choose the correct contractor with which to work. Our skilled designers are standing by to help you find the best solution and style for your needs.
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